Pubg Mobile the war game had begin as due to the war between India and China conflicts on the border line resulting death of indian soldiers caused the cyberattacks on the china digital media by banning all the chinese apps due to the privacy concerns with the indian user as its said that the chinese government servers keeps and stores the data of the indian user as they’ve been using the chinese app flounting their chinese goverment rule ,so why must people in india share the data to the chinese government ? .So Indian government took a huge step by banning all the chinese apps due to the protection of privacy of data of indian citizens.
So pubg mobile tencent was not the one to get banned but due to the collaboration with tencent gaming buddy which is a chinese company which lead indian government to take neccesary steps and ban pubg the mobile game which was the most played games in india ,this created a major roadblock for pubg to be returned back to india.
The Government Officially accouncing that they are no official permission given for the game to Relaunch .MEITY (Ministry Of Electronics And Information Tecnology ) was the entity which banned Pubg Mobile and 118 aaps in september on the grounds of national security .In an Rti enqiery ,MEITY came out with an official statement that there is no permission to Pubg Mobile India ,so it has be eliminated from india for some time.
Pubg Mobile is even banned in china despite of local entity Tencent being major stakeholder of the game in the country. the war game had begin as due to the war like situation between India and China conflicts on the border line resulting death of indian soldiers caused anti-china sentiments ,then later cyberattacks on the china digital media by banning all the chinese apps due to the privacy concerns with the indian user as its said that the chinese government servers keeps and stores the data of the indian user as they’ve been using the chinese app flounting their chinese goverment rule ,so why must people in india share the data to the chinese government ? .So Indian government took a huge step by banning all the chinese apps due to the protection of privacy of data of indian citizens.
Pubg India release date?
The main reason behind was the app compromise In National Security ,But it seems very unlikely to pubg mobile app
Pubg Mobile India Had registered itself on the website of Ministry of corporate Affairs and had also tied up with Microsoft Azure to ensure data and user privacy is the first thing and will be highly safe guarded in pubg game .MEITY making it official that return of pubg mobile relaunch has been temporailiy stalled to Beginning or Mid of March 2021.