Iron Mike Tyson a former american former professionsal boxer ,who is also known as ‘the baddest man on the planet‘ in professional boxing industry from 1985 to 2005 shocked the entire universe by setting up a professional exibition boxing match tournment in which he steps up for a fight man to man with Roy Jones Jr who is a former american professional boxer ,boxing trainer ,rapper and a actor ,roy jones jr age is 51 years old steped inside the boxing ring in almost 3 years gap as said by mike tyson in the after fight interview , his having pre fight record of 66-9 (47ko’s) all set to fight mike tyson with mike tyson age is 54 years old with a pre fight record of 50-6 (44 ko’s) .
Despite of the age difference both agreed for the fight ,which was held in November 28 2020 at the staples centre in los angeles sanctioned by california stae athletic commission (CSAC)
mike tyson vs roy jones jr fight was pretty impressive both were heavy punching each other ,with tyson going with his old school style with his impressive strong punches and jaw seperating uppercuts and gloves heating with each stikes which can put anyone to sleep in spit seconds both fought really well desipite of the age difference between both the fights . and both the fights even at this age having such a good physique and fighting in the ring as a young athlete is pretty impressive and unhuman thing for a normal person.
Both The fighters fought pretty well and resulted of the exibition fight ended up in an unoffcial draw ,wherein must say if it was not an exibition fight tyson would having surely won the fight.
mike tyson with his good impressive physique at the age of 54 years is looking foward for more fights in the ring ,as he loves to fight and come back any time and can make a fight happen .

Doctor By Profession🩺⚡ And Music Loving Content Researcher & Writer By Hobby..✨🍀