How To Register In Cowin App?cowin‘ is a portal wherein the indian government have developed for the purpose of vaccinating their citizens by registering and booking their vaccination to their nearby hospitals or nearby vaccination centre available according to the slots provided by each vaccination centre everyday inorder to defeat the pandemic and fight against covid-19 virus
How to register in Cowin App?

There is no official app for smartphones but any person or an individual wishing to get vaccinated in order to prevent from the covid-19 virus can book their appointments on their official cowin portal which is developed and maintained by the Government Of India ,These are the steps to follow in order to book you appointments to the nearby hospitals or nearby vaccination centre to ensure the vaccination process by following the steps below on how to register on cowin app
How To Book An Appointment For Covid Vaccine?
1. Go in your search engine and type in ‘’ or you can go directly to their website clicking on this link
2. Click On Register/Sign in Button
3.Put your Mobile Number you wish to add inorder to get register in the portal
4. Put The OTP received on the phone number you put before
5. Then Now click on ‘Add Member‘ button to Add the details of the person you wish to register(only 4 Person Can Be Registered Per Mobile Number)
6. Then Add The Person Photo ID Proof(Aadhaar Card,Driving License,Pan card,Passport,Pension Passbook), Photo ID Number, Name, Gender,Year Of Birth and Click On ‘ADD‘
7.Details You Put Will Be Displayed On your Screen .
8.Click On Schedule Button to See Availability of appointment in your area.
9.Check For the Green Slots in your nearby health centre located and schedule your booking time and proceed.
10. After Successfully Booking your appointment you will receive a confirmation sms message and can go and vaccinate yourself in the given date and time provided.

Note: Red Slot – Means Fully Booked
Orange Slot-Means Limited Appointments Available
Green Slot-Means Appointments Available

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