5 WhatsApp Status Query Answered!How many status can a person put ?

How many status can a person put on Whatsapp per day?

WhatsApp Status Query

This is a very interesting question to answer so How many status can a person put on Whatsapp per day? almost
175 plus photos and almost 100 plus short video can be posted on the WhatsApp status and the number might increase due to it frequent new updates. If a Person Puts the maximum amount of Photos Or Short Videos As their status their status will look like a one Thick Green Borderd Circle signifies that the person had uploaded maximum Photos Or Videos on its WhatsApp Status.

How to put emojis in my Whatsapp status?

How to put emojis in my Whatsapp status?

How to put heart in Whatsapp status?

You can post images , emojis, vedio and even voice or music on Whatsapp status solving query on “How to put emojis in my Whatsapp status?”

1- Click on Whatsapp app on you smart phone

2- Slide your finger to the right side or Click On “Status” Tab .

3-Click On the pencil icon on the lower right side of the phone

4- Coloured Blank page will appear on the screen Wherein you can type ‘letters’ or ’emojis’ or both and can also change the page colour by clicking on the ‘pallet’ icon situated on the lower left corner on your smartphone.(check pic below)

5- Tapping On Smiley Emoji icon on the lower left corner Responsible for all the cute emojis

6- Tapping on the ‘T’ icon on the lower left corner will change the text font

7- Tapping On The ‘Colour Pallet’ icon will change the background colour of the page.

How to put emojis on photos or videos in my Whatsapp status?

1- Click on Whatsapp app on you smart phone

2- Slide your finger to the right side or Click On “Status” Tab .

3-Click On the camera icon on the lower right side of the phone


Tap on my status at the top to add photos and vedios to your status

4- Tap on the ‘ Smiley’ icon on the upper left side of the screen and choose any emoji you like.

5- If you want to add text tap on ‘T’ icon

6- If you want to write on a picture or a vedio clip tap on the ‘Pencil’ icon ,you can choose the desired colour you wish.

7- If you wrote something by mistake just click on redo option on the upper left of the screen.

How to set my voice as my Whatsapp status?

There Is No Option Available ‘How to set my voice as my Whatsapp status’ . inorder to add voice or music or song or MP4 only on whatsapp status but one can only create a video in kinemaster or any video editing app or software and put on it as their WhatsApp status.

Is there any way to keep Whatsapp status permanently as story mode in whatsapp or GB Whatsapp?

The Only thing you can do inorder to keep Whatsapp status permanently as story mode in whatsapp or GB Whatsapp is that you can re-upload the same status you wish everyday
For Example: If you put your status at 12pm then it will disappear after 24 hours that is tomorrow 12pm so you need to re-upload your status at around 12.01pm or before, for another entire 24 hours story mode view.

How can I get others deleted status of whatsapp that I have not seen yet?

you can only view status within only under 24 hours from when the person uploads their status there is no official way from whatsapp wherein you can view the deleted status but if your using 3rd party apps like status saver it may get saved in that app and you will be able to view thier photos even if its deleted by them only if its downloaded in the app.


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